Junko's Sound Gallery
This Month's Feature
Billy Mackenzie (Associates) & Martyn Bates (Eyeless In Gaza)
As you may already know, I'm collecting records of various artists I think to be ace besides Mansun. And I often receive mails from guests who say they've never heard those bands but would like to hear them if they can.For their convenience, I decided to upload some MP3s as a taster. These are the bands I recommend strongly, the bands that could have been (or that had been) my favourite were it not for Mansun, but relatively unknown. I believe you'll like them too if you are a Mansun fan who have an ear for the good music.
Remember this is only a taster. Please buy their records if you like them. Some of them are in my shop. MP3s will be rotated every now and then.
What can I say about them? They are far beyond my poor command of English! They were two of the best male vocalists appeared in the history of rock, the real music genius, the male diva.
If you would like more info, please visit their sites.
Eyelss In Gaza / Martyn Bates
Official SiteAssociates / Billy Mackenzie
The Affectionate Bunch
Billy Mackenzie Tribute SiteTheir music often have some 'experimental' elements but I have chosen the 'softer' track. Download them and listen to their velvet voices so beautiful and divine.
Click here to download The Associates "Breakfast"
Click here to download The Associates "The Glamour Chase"P.S. The Associates Mailing List is planning the release of Billy Mackenzie tribute album. And Mansun are included in the list of artists they might ask to join, along with David Bowie, Morrissey, U2 and others.
Click here to download Martyn Bates "The Look Of Love"
Click here to download Eyeless In Gaza "Hours Grow"
このお二方は、私の80年代の裏アイドルです。(ちなみに表はNew OrderとDepeche Mode、でもいちばん好きだったのはLotus EatersとJesus And Mary Chainっていうのがよくわからんが)
彼らが裏なのは単に他の人たちほど有名じゃないからですが、とにかくひとえにこの歌! 声といい、歌のうまさといい、カリスマ性といい、存在感といい、ン十年に渡ってロックを聴き続けてきた私が、「彼らを超えるシンガーは2人といない」と太鼓判を押す、あまりにも偉大すぎて私にとっては神のようなボーカリストです。ただし、さすが天才だけあって、2人ともかなり強烈な個性の持ち主で、彼らの曲もはっきりいってかなり聴きづらい前衛的なものが多いのですが、ちょっとズルをして一般の音楽ファンが聴いても抵抗のないやつを選びました。実は2人ともあっと驚くような軽くてポップなものもやってるんですが(なんでもできるところがまた天才なんですね)、あえてそういうのもはずしたらこうなっちゃいました。
ああ、能書きが長い! とにかくダウンロードして、彼らのビロードの声と、「こんな歌をうたえる人のためなら私は死ねる!」とまで私に言わしめた、本当の本物だけが持つ「うたのちから」を味わってください。
ダウンロードはこちら The Associates "Breakfast"
Click here to download The Associates "The Glamour Chase"
ダウンロードはこちら Martyn Bates "The Look Of Love"\
Click here to download Eyeless In Gaza "Hours Grow"