First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who has visited this site so far.
And to all the webmasters who have linked to me.
I also like to express my deepest respect and appreciation to the great record collectors, sellers, Mansun fans and friends who have helped me a lot with my collection.
Gary (UK), Su (Japan), Kel (UK), Lisa (UK), Chris (UK), Frank (USA), Roberto (Italy), Sander (Holland), Norbert (Austria), Marty (USA), Paul Callis-Smith at Naviago Mail Order (UK), Mr Terashima at Cubic Records (Japan), Tomo (Japan), Kuo (Taiwan), Greg & Rod Clarkson (UK), Claire (UK), Ethan (USA), Etsuko (Japan), Koji (Japan), Rose (UK),  Matt from Been Here Before website (UK), Lee Seung-Jun (South Korea), Karl (UK), Tom (Holland), Hazuki (Japan), Kimihito (Japan), Rui (Japan), Mr Yamamoto at REC, Daniel (Sweden), Jessica (UK), Kevin from the Unofficial Shed Seven Website (USA), Etsuyo (Japan)
And all the people who have parted with their precious collection for me.
I also thank my friends for their encouragement and support.
Seri, Miki, Kayoko, Derek, Darren, Kikuko, Jerry, Davyd and Dave C
And of course to Paul, Chad, Stove and Andie for creating such a great music and making my life full and livable.
Love and a bunch of blue roses,
Junko xxx