Click on the thumbnails below to see the pages.
Note! These are the old homepages and some of the links might not work.

I'm sorry but these pages are designed to look best on 1024x768 true colour.

The first and original Desperate Icons homepage.
Paul in blue. Unused design; too affected and Paul doesn't look like this anymore. :-)
Autumn roses. The John Handy logo first appeared. Fact: I scanned this rose background from the dress I was wearing!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. I hate animated images but it looks beautiful on this.
Desperate Icons; 2001. Being a Kubrick fan I couldn't resist the temptation of using "A Space Odyssey" image.
Blooming website. I intended "bad taste" in the first place but it's beautiful, isn't it?
"Fool" design. Unused; I just found it boring and it had no roses.
This homepage was short-lived cos I found that Suzi from Mansunite was using the same photo on her homepage. It was a pity as I liked the photo and the logo.
Simple but look nice. One of my favourites.
The first ever "Japanesque" design!

Coming soon!!
Desperate Icons exclusive wallpapers for your desktop!